Thursday, October 19, 2017

Things Are Quiet Around Here...

...but I've been feeling much, much better. I started some new medication, and, after about a week of nausea, I've been doing better!

When I visit the doctor, I take a survey on how I'm doing. A 27, the highest score, is the worst. My last score was a 21, which is still a crappy score, but better than last time's 23 (the highest score I had ever gotten).

I've been much more motivated and awake this week. I think I like it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Depression Poetry #1

Every day
The girl chose a scarf
From her closet to wear

And every day
The girl tied a knot in the scarf
And hanged herself with it

Posting in Yellow for World Mental Health Day

The #helloyellow campaign by YoungMindsUK
 is to show those who suffer with mental illness that they're not alone. 
I've been struggling with what I want to post first on this blog, and I thought that what I posted on Instagram for World Mental Health Day was fitting: 

"Today is #worldmentalhealthday, so I'm posting a lovely yellow flower from my backyard. I spent the day in bed; the new medicine I'm taking makes me nauseous and groggy. I've struggled with mental health issues for the past three years, and right now, I'm at home, taking one step at a time, one day at a time, because that's all I can do. 

There's still pressure on those who struggle with mental illnesses to keep silent, which makes all the more important for our stories to be shared. 

And, most of all, be kind to everyone. It may be more appreciated than you know."

Welcome, officially, to the blog. :)

Things Are Quiet Around Here...

...but I've been feeling much, much better. I started some new medication, and, after about a week of nausea, I've been doing better...